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Jean pants (extra widefit) 48cm
 Code : 20250312102648
 Selling Price :
 Point : 0.50 point
 QTY : ea
Product Details    

 Jean pants
 Denim (washed)

 medium blue / dark blue



 48cm : Waist 21cm / Length 30cm 


 [ Jean pants (extra overfit) 48cm  ] 



It is extra-overfit jean pants.


We made this pants longer & wider.

We insert side tucks below waist band to make more wide space.

Also, we made it longer to make natural wrinkle on the bottom.

We have 2 color s this season : medium blue & dark blue.

Please select the color from options~


Washing work are all done by hand, and the position and shape of washing might vary slightly during each work.


* We do only washing now, and damaged nomore !! Please note!!


* Modeled on Simply Meant To Be 3.7 body / Volks MSD body.

* It doesn't consider compatible with other company bodies.